Dagsboro Volunteer Fire Department


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Phone : 302-732-6151

Fax : 302-732-1091

Mailing & Shipping Address:
Dagsboro Fire Department
P.O. Box 128 Dagsboro, DE 19939

Physical Address:
31818 Waples St.
Dagsboro, DE 19939

Emergency Dial 9.1.1

Serving our Community since 1943

Photo Gallery

Three Vehicle MVC Dupont Blvd.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Assist Frankford VFC on MVC w/ reported entrapment

Sunday, October 11, 2020
October 10th at 0620 hours the DVFD was alerted to assist Frankford VFC on a single vehicle MVC with reported entrapment in the 30000 block of Armory Road. Upon the arrival of Rescue 73 there was found to be no entrapment that required the use of rescue tools. The sole occupant refused medical services. Units on scene: Rescue 73, Rescue 76-3, B90, SCEMS

Tanker assist Frankford VFC

Friday, June 26, 2020

Three Vehicle MVC w/ Entrapment

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Displaying 11-20 of 496 Records