Dagsboro Volunteer Fire Department


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Phone : 302-732-6151

Fax : 302-732-1091

Mailing & Shipping Address:
Dagsboro Fire Department
P.O. Box 128 Dagsboro, DE 19939

Physical Address:
31818 Waples St.
Dagsboro, DE 19939

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Serving our Community since 1943

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MVC w/ Multiple Entrapments - DuPont Blvd S/B & Handy Rd.

Monday, June 8, 2015
At 09:38 on Wednesday, 11 September 02 the Dagsboro VFD, Frankford EMS, SCEMS Medic 103, DSP Trooper 2 were alerted for a MVC with rescue at the intersection of Dupont Blvd. & Handy Rd. Utility 7310 enroute to the DVFA Convention was responding at the time of dispatch and on scene at 09:39 with ISO Hudson establishing incident command. After a quick size up command advised Sussex EOC the he had a mid-size SUV rear-ended by a tractor-trailer, with the tractor-trailer resting on the rear half of the SUV, with 3 subjects pinned, 2 in the rear passenger compartment with heavy entrapment and 1 front seat passenger pinned. Command also advised he had 2 possibly 3 priority 1 patients and start 3 additional BLS units. With this information Sussex EOC re-alerted the Dagsboro & Frankford EMS and also alerted the Millsboro EMS to assist, SCEMS 100 also made a response after hearing this information. Rescue Company 73 was on the air under the command of Asst. Chief McCabe at 09:43, also at this time Fire Chief Vickers arrived and ISO Hudson transferred command to the Chief. Amb. A-73 arrived on scene at 09:44 and began patient assessment and triage. Rescue Company 73 arrived and assigned to stabilization & extrication. Command assigned Asst. Chief McCabe to extrication operations & SCEMS NREMT-P Donaway as triage. The crew of Rescue Co. 73 deployed, 2- Jaws, 2- O-Cutters, 2- rams, & 1- Maverick tool. Upon hearing the initial report Capt. Townsend notified Buntings Towing to respond with their 80 ton wrecker to stabilize the tractor-trailer, which had arrived and begun the stabilization at this point. Triage requested 1 additional ALS ground unit as well as MD Trooper 4 at 09:50. Operations sized up the incident after all vehicles had been stabilized and made the decision to do a total removal of the driver & passenger front & rear doors including all posts & total removal of the roof. Engine 732 arrived and it crew deployed a 1 3/4" attack line, and its Hurst unit with Maverick tool. By this time 3 of the 4 lane divided highway were shut down, and all avail fire police in the area had been called to the scene. As extraction went on it became clear that it was more involved then first thought. With the the rear of the SUV pushed completely through the rear passenger compartment and both rear passengers pinned between the front of the tractor-trailer and the front seats, an approx. 30" space. It was also noticed by this time that the passenger side rear seat passenger was the DVFD Ladies Auxiliary's Vice President, and her family that were enroute to her husbands funeral. At 10:09 all subjects were extricated, with three priority 1 patients being relayed to the awaiting aviation units & one priority 2 patient to a ground unit, all were transported to PRMC Trauma Ctr. Command placed the incident under control, holding units at 10:17, with finial DVFD units clearing and ready for service at 10:54. Dupont Blvd. remained closed for an additional 45 min. The crash is under investigation by DSP. Two firefighters suffer minor injuries during this incident, 1- hydraulic fluid in the eyes, 1- laceration to the hand.

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