Dagsboro Volunteer Fire Department


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Phone : 302-732-6151

Fax : 302-732-1091

Mailing & Shipping Address:
Dagsboro Fire Department
P.O. Box 128 Dagsboro, DE 19939

Physical Address:
31818 Waples St.
Dagsboro, DE 19939

Emergency Dial 9.1.1

Serving our Community since 1943

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MVC w/ Roll-Over & Rescue - Hickory Hill Rd. & Hickory Hill Rd.

Monday, June 8, 2015
On Friday 25 October, at 17:38 the Sussex EOC alerted the Dagsboro VFD, Frankford VFD EMS, & SCEMS Medic 103 for a MVC with unknown injuries at the intersection of Nine Foot Rd. & Hickory Hill Rd. Asst. Chief McCabe was in the area and made a response via POV, arriving at 17:40 to find 2 vehicles 20 yards off the roadway into a field, with 4 patients, 1 ejected, 1 trapped, & 2 walking wounded. Asst. Chief McCabe established incident command, & advised EOC what he had, requesting 3 BLS units. SCEMS 100 & EMS 16 made a response upon hearing the report and also requested aviation to start to the scene. Engine 732 under to command of Lt. Glenn checked on the air at 17:42 and was advised of the situation. Amb. A-76 was the first EMS unit on the scene and after a quick triage and patient assessment advised they had (2) priority 1 parents, (2) priority 2, with (1) of the priority 1 patient being 5 months pregnant and pinned in the front passenger seat. With the arrival of Engine 732 at 17:47 the crew stabilized the vehicle, deployed its Hurst Combination Tool and began extrication. It was determined to remove the roof to gain access to the patient and to see exactly where the patient was pinned. Rescue Co. 73 arrived at 17:50 under the command of Chief Engineer Furbush, who was assigned as extrication officer. The crew of Rescue Co. 73 deployed a SawZall, 2nd Combination Tool, O-Cutters, & 32-B Jaws. It was decides to remove both passenger side doors, including the "B" post to remove the patient. By this time both A & B-73 were on location as well as Trooper II, with the priority 1 ejection patient enroute to the hospital and preparing to transport both of the priority 2 patients. As the extraction crew began to remove the front passenger side door it had to be halted due to the patient arm & hand being pinned between the door and the seat, however they were able to displace it enough remove her from the car. With extraction complete, the the 2nd priority 1 patient packaged and enroute to the trauma ctr. via Trooper II, command placed the incident under control 18:06, holding all units. Crews remained on location until 19:00 assisting DSP with traffic control and providing light during their investigation. All units were in the station & ready for service at 19:20.

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