Dagsboro Volunteer Fire Department


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Phone : 302-732-6151

Fax : 302-732-1091

Mailing & Shipping Address:
Dagsboro Fire Department
P.O. Box 128 Dagsboro, DE 19939

Physical Address:
31818 Waples St.
Dagsboro, DE 19939

Emergency Dial 9.1.1

Serving our Community since 1943

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MVC w/ Rescue - DuPont Blvd. S/B @ Handy Rd.

Monday, June 8, 2015
On Tuesday, 09 July 02 the Dagsboro VFD along with the Frankford VFD EMS were alerted at 1116 hrs. for a reported MVC at the intersection of Dupont Blvd. & Handy Rd. At 1120 hrs. with Asst. Chief McCabe in command Engine 732 checked on the air and was advised poss. subjects trapped. Upon hearing this information and with 2 EMS crews already committed in the area, Asst. Chief McCabe requested an EMS units out of the Millsboro VFD. Engine 732 arrived on location at 1123 hrs. to find a Pontiac Sun Fire rear-ended by fully loaded 84 lumber 10 wheel delivery truck with the driver of the car trapped. Incident command was established with Asst. Chief McCabe in command. At this time command requested Trooper II to the scene, additional fire police & verified that ground ALS was responding. Rescue Co. 73 checked on the air at 1122 hrs. under the command of ISO Hudson and was advised by command to prepare to assist Engine 732's crew with patient extrication. The crew of Engine 732 had stabilized the vehicles and already deployed its Hurst unit with a combination tool and had begun rescue operations upon the arrival of Rescue Co. 73 at 1124 hrs. Rescue Co. 73 deployed an additional Hurst O-cutter to assist with total removal of both driver side doors. By this time the southbound lane of Dupont Blvd. had been shut down and a landing zone was being established by fire police for Trooper II. Amb. A-83 arrived on scene and began patient assessment and concurred with commands decision to air lift the patient to the trauma center. Upon patient removal at 1140 hrs. and with Trooper II on location the patient was packaged and placed in Trooper II. Due to the mechanism and the concern of a possible closed head injury SCEMS Medic 103 spilt its crew an sent an additional medic with Trooper II, with the driver of the truck refusing medical treatment. Command placed the incident under control, holding units at 1143 hrs. Units cleared the scene available at 1237 hrs. after assisting the Delaware State Police and clearing debris. The collision is under investigation by the Delaware State Police. At the time of this posting the patient was listed in stable condition at PRMC.

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