Dagsboro Volunteer Fire Department


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Phone : 302-732-6151

Fax : 302-732-1091

Mailing & Shipping Address:
Dagsboro Fire Department
P.O. Box 128 Dagsboro, DE 19939

Physical Address:
31818 Waples St.
Dagsboro, DE 19939

Emergency Dial 9.1.1

Serving our Community since 1943

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Minor MVC - Thorogoods Rd. & Iron Branch Rd.

Monday, June 8, 2015
On Tuesday, 07 May 02, The Dagsboro VFD along with the the Frankford VFD for EMS and SCEMS Medic 103 were dispatched at 1132 hrs. to a reported MVC at the intersection of Iron Branch Rd & Thorogoods Rd. Captain Townsend marked on scene and established command at 1132 hrs. reporting a 2 vehicle MVC, one with hvy. rear-end damage & the driver unconscious over the steering wheel. Command made a request for any avail. fire police to assist at the scene and shut down Iron Branch Rd. both north and south bound as well as Thorogoods Rd. east bound. At 1137 hrs. both Engine 732 & Rescue Co. 73 marked on the air responding and were given the initial report from command. Engine 732 was advised to pull past the scene and assist Amb. A-73 with patient care on vehicle #1. Rescue Co 73 was tasked to assist Amb. B-73 with patient care and removal from vehicle #2. Both patients were packaged and transported to Beebe Medical center by DVFD EMS and & SCEMS. Command placed the incident under control holding units at 1158 hrs. Engine 732 & Rescue Co. 73 were placed in service returning avail. at 1203 hrs.

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