Dagsboro Volunteer Fire Department


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Phone : 302-732-6151

Fax : 302-732-1091

Mailing & Shipping Address:
Dagsboro Fire Department
P.O. Box 128 Dagsboro, DE 19939

Physical Address:
31818 Waples St.
Dagsboro, DE 19939

Emergency Dial 9.1.1

Serving our Community since 1943


Chevrolet - Brush 730

Brush 730 is a 1991 GMC 3/4 ton pick-up equipped with a 250 gallon booster tank and a 150 gpm hale pump. This unit is also equipped with a 300' booster line on a top mounted reel and a 1" 3/4 pre-connected attack line, 600' of forestry line, 20 gallons of AFFF, and has all the necessary hand tools need for its role. Brush 730 is 1st due on all Woods, Field, Brush, and Grass fire assignments.

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